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Arthur Conan Doyle (Артур Конан Дойль)

«Songs of the Road» (1911). 14. The Banner of Progress

There's a banner in our van,
And we follow as we can,
For at times we scarce can see it,
And at times it flutters high.
But however it be flown,
Still we know it as our own,
And we follow, ever follow,
Where we see the banner fly.

In the struggle and the strife,
In the weariness of life,
The banner-man may stumble,
He may falter in the fight.
But if one should fail or slip,
There are other hands to grip,
And it's forward, ever forward,
From the darkness to the light. 

Arthur Conan Doyle's other poems:
  1. «Songs of the Road» (1911). 9. The End
  2. «The Guards Came Through» (1919). 7. Grousing
  3. «Songs of the Road» (1911). 2. Sir Nigel's Song
  4. «Songs of the Road» (1911). 25. A Voyage
  5. «The Guards Came Through» (1919). 22. Lindisfaire

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