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Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (Обри Винсент Бёрдсли)

The Courts of Love

The courts of love are fair to see
Built of shining masonry
Quaintly carved in olden day
By the fairies’ hands they say.
Underneath the arching trees
Gentle lovers take their ease
Chanting songs of Ladye Love,
Whilst the birds which flit above
Make the golden courts to ring
With the joyous song they sing.
“Love is Lord of everything”.

Maidens in the Month of May
Watch the Knights who ride that way
Who for noble deeds and name
Are received with fair acclaim.
At the court they linger long,
Rest is sweet and Love is strong.
Then at quiet eventide
Lovers through the gardens glide
Speaking softly, whilst a ring
Of twilight fairies strangely sing
“Love is Lord of everything”. 

Aubrey Vincent Beardsley's other poems:
  1. The Three Musicians
  2. A Ride in a Omnibus
  3. The Valiant
  4. Lines Written in Uncertainty
  5. The Ballad of a Barber

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