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Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (Обри Винсент Бёрдсли)

Lines Written in Uncertainty

The lights are shining dimly round about,
The Path is dark, I cannot see ahead;
And so I go as one perplexed with doubt,
Nor guessing where my footsteps may be led.

The wind is high, the rain falls heavily,
The strongest heart may well admit a fear,
For there are wrecks on land as well as sea
Eíen though the haven may be very near.

The night is dark and strength seems failing fast
Though on my journey I but late set out.
And who can tell where the way leads at last?
Would that the lights shone clearer round about!

Aubrey Vincent Beardsley's other poems:
  1. The Valiant
  2. Dante in Exile
  3. The Ballad of a Barber
  4. The Courts of Love

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