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Geoffrey Chaucer (Джеффри Чосер)

To Life's Pilgrim

FLY from the press, and dwell with soothfastness;

Suffice unto thy good, though it be small,
For hoard hath hate, and climbing tickleness ;

Preise hath envie, and weal is blent o'er all.

Savor no more than thee behoven shall,
Rede well thy self that other folk can'st rede,
And Truth thee shalt deliver 'tis no drede.

That thee is sent receive in buxomness :
The wrestling of this world, asketh a fall.

Here is no home, here is but wilderness.
Forth, pilgrim, forth on, best out of thy stall;
Look up on high, and thank the God of all!

Weivith thy lust, and let thy ghost thee lead,

And Truth thee shalt deliver 'tis no drede. 

Geoffrey Chaucer's other poems:
  1. Chaucer's Words to His Scrivener
  2. Good Counsel of Chaucer
  3. Anelida and Arcite
  4. Against Women Unconstant
  5. To Rosemounde

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1905

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