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William Allingham (Вильям Аллингам)

A Dream

I heard the dogs howl in the moonlight night;
I went to the window to see the sight;
All the Dead that ever I knew
Going one by one and two by two.

On they pass'd, and on they pass'd;
Townsfellows all, from first to last;
Born in the moonlight of the lane,
Quench'd in the heavy shadow again.

Schoolmates, marching as when they play'd
At soldiers once - but now more staid;
Those were the strangest sight to me
Who were drown'd, I knew, in the awful sea.

Straight and handsome folk, bent and weak, too;
Some that I loved, and gasp'd to speak to;
Some but a day in their churchyard bed;
Some that I had not known were dead.

A long, long crowd - where each seem'd lonely,
Yet of them all there was one, one only,
Raised a head or look'd my way;
She linger'd a moment - she might not stay.

How long since I saw that fair pale face!
Ah! Mother dear! might I only place
My head on thy breast, a moment to rest,
While thy hand on my tearful cheek were prest!

On, on, a moving bridge they made
Across the moon-stream, from shade to shade,
Young and old, women and men;
Many long-forgot, but remembered then,

And first there came a bitter laughter;
A sound of tears a moment after;
And then a music so lofty and gay,
That eve morning, day by day,
I strive to recall it if I may. 

William Allingham's other poems:
  1. A Burial-place
  2. Wayconnell Tower
  3. To the Castle of Donegal
  4. In Highgate Cemetery
  5. The Emigrant’s Adieu to Ballyshannon

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Matthew Arnold (Мэтью Арнольд) A Dream ("Was it a dream? We sail'd, I thought we sail'd")
  • Robert Burns (Роберт Бернс) A Dream ("Guid-Mornin' to our Majesty!") 1786
  • Christina Rossetti (Кристина Россетти) A Dream ("Once in a dream (for once I dreamed of you)")
  • Thomas Moore (Томас Мур) A Dream ("I thought this heart enkindled lay")
  • Coventry Patmore (Ковентри Патмор (Пэтмор)) A Dream ("Amid the mystic fields of Love")
  • Bernard Barton (Бернард Бартон) A Dream ("A DREAM came lately in the hours")
  • Thomas Parnell (Томас Парнелл) A Dream ("Just when ye dead of night began to fail")
  • Stephen Phillips (Стивен Филлипс) A Dream ("MY dead love came to me, and said")
  • Letitia Landon (Летиция Лэндон) A Dream ("I was wand'ring in my sleep")
  • Edgar Poe (Эдгар По) A Dream ("In visions of the dark night")
  • Alice Cary (Элис Кэри) A Dream ("I DREAMED I had a plot of ground")
  • Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд) A Dream ("Only a dream, a beautiful baseless dream")
  • Lucretia Davidson (Лукреция Дэвидсон) A Dream ("Methought, unwitting how the place I gained")

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