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Charles Lamb (Чарльз Лэм)

* * *

A timid grace sits trembling in her eye,
As loath to meet the rudeness of men's sight,
Yet shedding a delicious lunar light
That steeps in kind oblivious ecstasy
The care-crazed mind, like some still melody:
Speaking most plain the thoughts which do possess
Her gentle sprite: peace, and meek quietness,
And innocent loves, and maiden purity:
A look whereof might heal the cruel smart
Of changed friends, or fortune's wrongs unkind:
Might to sweet deeds of mercy move the heart
Of him who hates his brethren of mankind.
Turned are those lights from me, who fondly yet
Past joys, vain loves, and buried hopes regret. 

Charles Lamb's other poems:
  1. Love, Death, and Reputation
  2. Incorrect Speaking
  3. Wasps in a Garden
  4. Lines Addressed to Lieut. R.W.H. Hardy, R.N.
  5. Beauty and the Beast

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