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Charles Lamb (Чарльз Лэм)

Incorrect Speaking

Incorrectness in your speech
Carefully avoid, my Anna;
Study well the sense of each
Sentence, lest in any manner
It misrepresent the truth;
Veracity's the charm of youth.

You will not, I know, tell lies,
If you know what you are speaking.
Truth is shy, and from us flies;
Unless diligently seeking
Into every word we pry,
Falsehood will her place supply.

Falsehood is not shy, not she,-
Ever ready to take place of
Truth, too oft we Falsehood see,
Or at least some latent trace of
Falsehood, in the incorrect
Words of those who Truth respect. 

Charles Lamb's other poems:
  1. Love, Death, and Reputation
  2. Wasps in a Garden
  3. Lines Addressed to Lieut. R.W.H. Hardy, R.N.
  4. Hypochondriacus
  5. Blindness

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