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Matthew Prior (Мэтью Прайор)

Bibo and Charon

When Bibo thought fit from the world to retreat,
As full of Champagne as an egg's full of meat,
He waked in the boat, and to Charon he said,
He would be row'd back, for he was not yet dead.
Trim the boat and sit quiet, stern Charon replied,
You may have forgot - you were drunk when you died. 

Matthew Prior's other poems:
  1. An Ode - Inscribed to the Memory of the Hon. Colonel George Villiers
  2. Upon This Passage In Scaligeriana
  3. Answer to Cloe Jealous. The Author Sick
  4. A Song (In vain you tell your parting lover)
  5. An Ode - Presented to the King, on His Majesty's Arrival in Holland, after the Queen's Death

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