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Matthew Prior (Мэтью Прайор)

A Song (In vain you tell your parting lover)

In vain you tell your parting lover
You wish fair winds may waft him over
Alas! what winds can happy prove
That bear me far from what I love?
Alas! what dangers on the main
Can equal those that I sustain
From slighted vows and cold disdain?

Be gentle, and in pity choose
To wish the wildest tempests loose,
That thrown again upon the coast
Where first my shipwreck'd heart was lost,
I may once more repeat my pain,
Once more in dying notes complain
Of slighted vows and cold disdain.

Matthew Prior's other poems:
  1. An Ode - Inscribed to the Memory of the Hon. Colonel George Villiers
  2. Upon This Passage In Scaligeriana
  3. Answer to Cloe Jealous. The Author Sick
  4. An Ode - Presented to the King, on His Majesty's Arrival in Holland, after the Queen's Death
  5. Bibo and Charon

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