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Hartley Coleridge (Хартли Кольридж)

Written on the Anniversary of Our Father's Death

STILL for the world he lives, and lives in bliss,
For God and for himself. Ten years and three
Have now elapsed since he was dead to me
And all that were on earth intensely his.
Not in the dim domain of Gloomy Dis,
The death-god of the ever-guessing Greek,
Nor in the paradise of Houris sleep
I think of him whom I most sorely miss.
The sage, the poet, lives for all mankind,
As long as truth is true, or beauty fair.
The soul that ever sought its God to find
Has found Him now - no matter how, or where.
Yet can I not but mourn because he died
That was my father, should have been my guide. 

Hartley Coleridge's other poems:
  1. Lines——
  2. To a Deaf and Dumb Little Girl
  3. How Long I Sailed
  4. Address To Certain Golfishes
  5. Early Death

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