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Hartley Coleridge (Хартли Кольридж)

* * *

HOW long I sailed, and never took a thought
To what port I was bound! Secure as sleep,
I dwelt upon the bosom of the deep
And perilous sea. And though my ship was fraught
With rare and precious fancies, jewels brought
From fairyland, no course I cared to keep,
Nor changeful wind nor tide I heeded ought,
But joyed to feel the merry billows leap,
And watch the sunbeams dallying with the waves;
Or haply dream what realms beneath may lie
Where the clear ocean is an emerald sky,
And mermaids warble in their coral caves,
Yet vainly woo to me their secret home; -
And sweet it were for ever so to roam. 

Hartley Coleridge's other poems:
  1. Lines——
  2. To a Deaf and Dumb Little Girl
  3. Address To Certain Golfishes
  4. Written on the Anniversary of Our Father's Death
  5. Early Death

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