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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Joseph Addison (Джозеф Аддисон)


Our lives, discoloured with our present woes,
May still grow white and shine with happier hours.
So the pure limped stream, when foul with stains
Of rushing torrents and descending rains,
Works itself clear, and as it runs refines,
till by degrees the floating mirror shines;
Reflects each flower that on the border grows,
And a new heaven in it's fair bosom shows. 

Joseph Addison's other poems:
  1. To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his Picture of the King
  2. An Ode for St. Cecilia's Day
  3. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day, at Oxford
  4. To Mr. Dryden
  5. The Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Oliver Goldsmith (Оливер Голдсмит) Hope ("To the last moment of his breath")
  • Emily Brontë (Эмили Бронте) Hope ("Hope was but a timid friend")
  • George Herbert (Джордж Герберт (Херберт)) Hope ("I gave to Hope a watch of mine: but he")
  • Charlotte Smith (Шарлотта Смит) Hope ("Parody on Lord Strangford's")
  • Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит) Hope ("O THRUSH, is it true?")
  • Joseph Drake (Джозеф Дрейк) Hope ("See through yon cloud that rolls in wrath")
  • Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (Энн Финч, графиня Уинчилси) Hope ("The Tree of Knowledge we in Eden prov'd")
  • Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд) Hope ("All treasures of the earth and opulent seas")

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