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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Томас Беддоус)

To Night

So thou art come again, old black-winged night,
Like an huge bird, between us and the sun,
Hiding, with out-stretched form, the genial light;
And still, beneath thine icy bosom's dun
And cloudy plumage, hatching fog-breathed blight
And embryo storms, and crabbéd frosts, that shun
Day's warm caress. The owls from ivied loop
Are shrieking homage, as thou cowerest high;
Like sable crow pausing in eager stoop
On the dim world thou gluttest thy clouded eye,
Silently waiting latest time's fell whoop,
When thou shalt quit thine eyrie in the sky,
To pounce upon the world with eager claw,
And tomb time, death, and substance in thy maw. 

Thomas Lovell Beddoes's other poems:
  1. Resurrection Song
  2. Song on the Water
  3. Yes, Mary Ann
  4. Lines Written in a Blank Leaf of the ‘Prometheus Unbound’
  5. The Rosy Hour

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) To Night ("SWIFTLY walk o'er the western wave")

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    Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1953

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    Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru