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John Davidson (Джон Дэвидсон)


The war of words is done;
The red-lipped cannon speak;
The battle has begun.

The web your speeches spun
Tears and blood shall streak;
The war of words is done.

Smoke enshrouds the sun;
Earth staggers at the shriek
Of battle new begun.

Poltroons and braggarts run:
Woe to the poor, the meek!
The war of words is done.

"And hope not now to shun
The doom that dogs the weak,"
Thunders every gun;

"Victory must be won."
When the red-lipped cannon speak,
The war of words is done,
The slaughter has begun. 

John Davidson's other poems:
  1. A Northern Suburb
  2. Kinnoull Hill
  3. Song of a Train
  4. To the Generation Knocking at the Door
  5. A Cinque Port

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