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John Davidson (Джон Дэвидсон)

To the Generation Knocking at the Door

Break -- break it open; let the knocker rust:
Consider no ‘Shalt not,’ nor no man's ‘must’;
And, being entered, promptly take the lead,
Setting aside tradition, custom, creed;
Nor watch the balance of the huckster's beam;
Declare your hardiest thought, your proudest dream;
Await no summons; laugh at all rebuff;
High hearts and youth are destiny enough.
The mystery and the power enshrined in you
Are old as time and as the moment new:
And none but you can tell what part you play,
Nor can you tell until you make assay,
For this alone, this always, will succeed,
The miracle and magic of the deed.

John Davidson's other poems:
  1. A Northern Suburb
  2. Kinnoull Hill
  3. Song of a Train
  4. A Cinque Port
  5. A Ballad of Hell

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