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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

James Russell Lowell (Джеймс Расселл Лоуэлл)

To a Friend

  One strip of bark may feed the broken tree,
  Giving to some few limbs a sickly green;
  And one light shower on the hills, I ween,
  May keep the spring from drying utterly.
  Thus seemeth it with these our hearts to be;
  Hope is the strip of bark, the shower of rain,
  And so they are not wholly crushed with pain.
  But live and linger on, far sadder sight to see;
  Much do they err, who tell us that the heart
  May not be broken; what, then, can we call
  A broken heart, if this may not be so,
  This death in life, when, shrouded in its pall,
  Shunning and shunned, it dwelleth all apart,
  Its power, its love, its sympathy laid low?

James Russell Lowell's other poems:
  1. The Lost Child
  2. Flowers
  3. Isabel
  4. Song (O! I must look on that sweet face once more before I die)
  5. Impartiality

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Matthew Arnold (Мэтью Арнольд) To a Friend ("Who prop, thou ask'st in these bad days, my mind?")
  • Anna Barbauld (Анна-Летиция Барбо) To a Friend ("May never more of pensive melancholy")
  • William Bowles (Уильям Боулз) To a Friend ("Go, then, and join the murmuring city's throng!")
  • William Shenstone (Уильям Шенстон) To a Friend ("Have you ne'er seen, my gentle Squire!")
  • Joseph Drake (Джозеф Дрейк) To a Friend ("Yes, faint was my applause and cold my praise")
  • James Fields (Джеймс Филдс) To a Friend ("Go, with a manly heart")
  • Richard Hovey (Ричард Хави) To a Friend ("ALL too grotesque our thoughts are sometimes")
  • Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл) To a Friend ("I ask but one thing of you, only one")
  • John Pierpont (Джон Пирпонт) To a Friend ("Friend of my dark and solitary hour")

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