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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

James Russell Lowell (Джеймс Расселл Лоуэлл)

The Lost Child


  I wandered down the sunny glade
    And ever mused, my love, of thee;
  My thoughts, like little children, played,
    As gayly and as guilelessly.


  If any chanced to go astray,
    Moaning in fear of coming harms,
  Hope brought the wanderer back alway,
    Safe nestled in her snowy arms.


  From that soft nest the happy one
    Looked up at me and calmly smiled;
  Its hair shone golden in the sun,
    And made it seem a heavenly child.


  Dear Hope's blue eyes smiled mildly down,
    And blest it with a love so deep,
  That, like a nursling of her own,
    It clasped her neck and fell asleep.

James Russell Lowell's other poems:
  1. Flowers
  2. Isabel
  3. Song (O! I must look on that sweet face once more before I die)
  4. Impartiality
  5. Something Natural

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Henry Bunner (Генри Баннер) The Lost Child ("Here’s a reward for who’ll find Love!")

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