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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

William Henry Davies (Уильям Генри Дэвис (Дэйвис))


Christmas has come, let's eat and drink--
This is no time to sit and think;
Farewell to study, books and pen,
And welcome to all kinds of men.
Let all men now get rid of care,
And what one has let others share;
Then 'tis the same, no matter which
Of us is poor, or which is rich.
Let each man have enough this day,
Since those that can are glad to pay;
There's nothing now too rich or good
For poor men, not the King's own food.
Now like a singing bird my feet
Touch earth, and I must drink and eat.
Welcome to all men: I'll not care
What any of my fellows wear;
We'll not let cloth divide our souls,
They'll swim stark naked in the bowls.
Welcome, poor beggar: I'll not see
That hand of yours dislodge a flea,--
While you sit at my side and beg,
Or right foot scratching your left leg.
Farewell restraint: we will not now
Measure the ale our brains allow,
But drink as much as we can hold.
We'll count no change when we spend gold;
This is no time to save, but spend,
To give for nothing, not to lend.
Let foes make friends: let them forget
The mischief-making dead that fret
The living with complaint like this--
"He wronged us once, hate him and his."
Christmas has come; let every man
Eat, drink, be merry all he can.
Ale's my best mark, but if port wine
Or whisky's yours--let it be mine;
No matter what lies in the bowls,
We'll make it rich with our own souls.
Farewell to study, books and pen,
And welcome to all kinds of men.

William Henry Davies's other poems:
  1. Smiles
  2. My Youth
  3. Poor Kings
  4. The Old Oak Tree
  5. Seeking Joy

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Walter Scott (Вальтер Скотт) Christmas ("The glowing censers, and their rich perfume")
  • John Clare (Джон Клэр) Christmas ("Christmas is come and every hearth")
  • Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит) Christmas ("WITH garlands to grace it, with laughter to greet it")
  • Henry Timrod (Генри Тимрод) Christmas ("How grace this hallowed day?")
  • Albert Pike (Альберт Пайк) Christmas ("Had we our way, the good old sports should be revived once more")
  • Charles Williams (Чарльз Уильямс) Christmas ("He who knows all things knows not now")

    Тема стихотворения (Poem Theme): Christmas (Рождество)

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