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William Henry Davies (Уильям Генри Дэвис (Дэйвис))

Seeking Joy

Joy, how I sought thee!
Silver I spent and gold,
On the pleasures of this world,
    In splendid garments clad;
The wine I drank was sweet,
Rich morsels I did eat--
    Oh, but my life was sad!
Joy, how I sought thee!

Joy, I have found thee!
Far from the halls of Mirth,
Back to the soft green earth,
    Where people are not many;
I find thee, Joy, in hours
With clouds, and birds, and flowers--
    Thou dost not charge one penny.
Joy, I have found thee!

William Henry Davies's other poems:
  1. Smiles
  2. My Youth
  3. Poor Kings
  4. The Old Oak Tree
  5. The Starved

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