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William Henry Davies (Уильям Генри Дэвис (Дэйвис))

A May Morning

     The sky is clear,
       The sun is bright;
     The cows are red,
       The sheep are white;
     Trees in the meadows
     Make happy shadows.

     Birds in the hedge
       Are perched and sing;
     Swallows and larks
       Are on the wing:
     Two merry cuckoos
     Are making echoes.

     Bird and the beast
       Have the dew yet;
     My road shines dry,
       Theirs bright and wet:
     Death gives no warning,
     On this May morning.

     I see no Christ
       Nailed on a tree,
     Dying for sin;
       No sin I see:
     No thoughts for sadness,
     All thoughts for gladness.

William Henry Davies's other poems:
  1. Smiles
  2. My Youth
  3. Poor Kings
  4. The Old Oak Tree
  5. Seeking Joy

Тема стихотворения (Poem Theme): May (Май)

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