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Horace Smith (Горацио Смит)

To the Rev. A. A. in the Country from His Friend in London

Thou little village curate,
  Come quick, and do not wait;
We'll sit and talk together,
  So sweetly tete-a-tete.

Oh do not fear the railway
  Because it seems so big--
Dost thou not daily trust thee
  Unto thy little gig.

This house is full of painters,
  And half shut up and black;
But rooms the very snuggest
  Lie hidden at the back.
      Come! come! come!

Horace Smith's other poems:
  1. Written in the Porch of Binstead Church, Isle of Wight
  2. Address to the Orange-tree at Versailles
  3. At the Tavern
  4. Effusion by a Cigar Smoker
  5. Campbell’s Funeral

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