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Horace Smith (Горацио Смит)


      (From Invocation)

NOT only for the Bard of highest worth,
            But best of men,
Do I invoke ye, Powers of Heaven and Earth!
            O, where and when
Shall we again behold his counterpart,—	
Such kindred excellence of head and heart?

So good and great,—benevolent as wise,—
            On his high throne
How meekly hath he borne his faculties!
            How finely shown
A model to the irritable race,
Of generous kindness, courtesy, and grace!

Horace Smith's other poems:
  1. Written in the Porch of Binstead Church, Isle of Wight
  2. Address to the Orange-tree at Versailles
  3. At the Tavern
  4. Effusion by a Cigar Smoker
  5. Campbell’s Funeral

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