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Matthew Prior (Мэтью Прайор)

Answer to Cloe Jealous. The Author Sick

Yes, fairest Proof of Beauty's Pow'r,
Dear Idol of My panting Heart,
Nature points This my fatal Hour:
And I have liv'd; and We must part.

While now I take my last Adieu,
Heave Thou no Sigh, nor shed a Tear;
Lest yet my half-clos'd Eye may view
On Earth an Object worth it's Care.

From Jealousy's tormenting Strife
For ever be Thy Bosom free'd:
That nothing may disturb Thy Life,
Content I hasten to the Dead.

Yet when some better-fated Youth
Shall with his am'rous Parly move Thee;
Reflect One Moment on His Truth,
Who dying Thus, persists to love Thee.

Matthew Prior's other poems:
  1. An Ode - Inscribed to the Memory of the Hon. Colonel George Villiers
  2. Upon This Passage In Scaligeriana
  3. A Song (In vain you tell your parting lover)
  4. An Ode - Presented to the King, on His Majesty's Arrival in Holland, after the Queen's Death
  5. Songs Set to Music: 1. Set by Mr. Abel

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