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Isa Knox (Иса Нокс)

Wind and Stars

THE STARS are shining fixt and bright,
I stand upon the windy height,
Alone with sorrow and the night.

O stars so high, from earth apart,
Ye are the hopes that stirred my heart;	
O wind, its beating wings thou art.

The wind may rave, the starry spheres
Unheeding shine, nor moved by fears
Nor shaken into trembling tears.

O hush, wild heart, regarded not,
Sink to the level of thy lot,
In pity sink, and be forgot.

Isa Knox's other poems:
  1. Shadow
  2. A Greenness o’er My Vision Passed
  3. Never to Know
  4. The Brides of Quair
  5. The Root of Love

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