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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

John Davidson (Джон Дэвидсон)


Athwart the sky a lowly sigh
From west to east the sweet wind carried;
The sun stood still on Primrose Hill;
His light in all the city tarried:
The clouds on viewless columns bloomed
Like smouldering lilies unconsumed.

'Oh sweetheart, see! how shadowy,
Of some occult magician's rearing,
Or swung in space of heaven's grace
Dissolving, dimly reappearing,
Afloat upon ethereal tides
St. Paul's above the city rides!'

A rumour broke through the thin smoke
Enwreathing abbey, tower, and palace,
The parks, the squares, the thoroughfares,
The million-peopled lanes and alleys,
An ever-muttering prisoned storm,
The heart of London beating warm. 

John Davidson's other poems:
  1. A Northern Suburb
  2. Kinnoull Hill
  3. Song of a Train
  4. To the Generation Knocking at the Door
  5. A Cinque Port

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Samuel Johnson (Сэмюэл Джонсон) London ("THOUGH grief and fondness in my breast rebel")
  • Joanna Baillie (Джоанна Бейли) London ("IT is a goodly sight through the clear air")
  • Philip Bailey (Филип Бэйли) London ("I love thee, London! for thy many men")
  • Robert Leighton (Роберт Лейтон) London ("TO live in London was my young wood-dream")

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