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William Watson (Уильям Уотсон)

Mensis Lacrimarum

     (MARCH 1885)

March, that comes roaring, maned, with rampant paws,
      And bleatingly withdraws;
March,—'tis the year's fantastic nondescript,
      That, born when frost hath nipped
The shivering fields, or tempest scarred the hills,
      Dies crowned with daffodils.
The month of the renewal of the earth
      By mingled death and birth:
But, England! in this latest of thy years
      Call it—the Month of Tears.

William Watson's other poems:
  1. Sketch of a Political Character
  2. World-Strangeness
  3. Under the Dark and Piny Steep
  4. The Blind Summit
  5. To Lord Tennyson

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