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William Watson (Уильям Уотсон)


Strange the world about me lies,
  Never yet familiar grown—
Still disturbs me with surprise,
  Haunts me like a face half known.

In this house with starry dome,
  Floored with gemlike plains and seas,
Shall I never feel at home,
  Never wholly be at ease?

On from room to room I stray,
  Yet my Host can ne'er espy,
And I know not to this day
  Whether guest or captive I.

So, between the starry dome
  And the floor of plains and seas,
I have never felt at home,
  Never wholly been at ease.

William Watson's other poems:
  1. Sketch of a Political Character
  2. Under the Dark and Piny Steep
  3. The Glimpse
  4. The Key-Board
  5. The Blind Summit

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