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Eleanor Farjeon (Элинор Фарджон)

Sonnets. 6. Certain among Us Walk in Loneliness

Certain among us walk in loneliness
Along the pale unprofitable days,
Hazarding many an unanswered guess
At what vague purpose wastes us on our ways.
We know that we are potent to create,
We say, I could be such or such or such,
And lo, indifferent death swings back the gate
And life has never put us to the touch.

So women with the aching will to bear
Still to the barren grave must barren go,
And men that might again like Titans dare
Angelic secrets, die and nothing know.
Alas! why were we born to woe and bliss
If life had no more need of us than this?

Eleanor Farjeon's other poems:
  1. Spring-Dawn
  2. Sonnets. 1. Man Cannot Be a Sophist to His Heart
  3. The Moral
  4. Sonnets. 15. Farewell, you children that I might have borne
  5. Solitary

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