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Walt Whitman (Уолт Уитмен)

Leaves of Grass. 24. Autumn Rivulets. 37. My Picture-Gallery

In a little house keep I pictures suspended, it is not a fix'd house,
It is round, it is only a few inches from one side to the other;
Yet behold, it has room for all the shows of the world, all memories!
Here the tableaus of life, and here the groupings of death;
Here, do you know this? this is cicerone himself,
With finger rais'd he points to the prodigal pictures.

Walt Whitman's other poems:
  1. Leaves of Grass. 24. Autumn Rivulets. 30. The Torch
  2. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 47. Orange Buds by Mail from Florida
  3. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 25. Of That Blithe Throat of Thine
  4. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 43. The Dying Veteran
  5. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 36. The United States to Old World Critics

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