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Walt Whitman (Уолт Уитмен)

Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 11. The Wallabout Martyrs

Greater than memory of Achilles or Ulysses,
More, more by far to thee than tomb of Alexander,
Those cart loads of old charnel ashes, scales and splints of mouldy bones,
Once living men—once resolute courage, aspiration, strength,
The stepping stones to thee to-day and here, America.

Walt Whitman's other poems:
  1. Leaves of Grass. 33. Songs of Parting. 15. These Carols
  2. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 13. America
  3. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 37. The Calming Thought of All
  4. Leaves of Grass. 20. By the Roadside. 28. Offerings
  5. Leaves of Grass. 24. Autumn Rivulets. 30. The Torch

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