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Hilda Doolittle (Хильда Дулитл)

Sea Poppies

Amber husk 
fluted with gold, 
fruit on the sand 
marked with a rich grain, 

spilled near the shrub-pines 
to bleach on the boulders: 

your stalk has caught root 
among wet pebbles 
and drift flung by the sea 
and grated shells 
and split conch-shells. 

Beautiful, wide-spread, 
fire upon leaf, 
what meadow yields 
so fragrant a leaf 
as your bright leaf?

Hilda Doolittle's other poems:
  1. Moonrise
  2. Epigrams
  3. Fragment Forty
  4. Toward the Piræus
  5. At Eleusis

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