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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Hilda Doolittle (Хильда Дулитл)



O ruthless, perilous, imperious hate,
you can not thwart
the promptings of my soul,
you can not weaken nay nor dominate
Love that is mateless,
Love the rite,
the whole measure of being:
would you crush with bondage?
nay, you would love me not
were I your slave.


Torture me not with this or that or this,
Love is my master,
you his lesser self;
while you are Love,
I love you generously,
be Eros,
not a tyrannous, bitter mate:
Love has no charm
when Love is swept to earth:
you’d make a lop-winged god,
frozen and contrite,
of god up-darting,
winged for passionate flight.

Hilda Doolittle's other poems:
  1. Moonrise
  2. Toward the Piræus
  3. Fragment Forty
  4. At Eleusis
  5. Wash of Cold River

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Byron (Джордж Байрон) Epigrams ("Oh, Castlereagh! thou art a patriot now") Август 1822

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