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Katherine Mansfield (Кэтрин Мэнсфилд)

A Joyful Song of Five

Come, let us all sing very high
And all sing very loud
And keep on singing in the street
Until there’s quite a crowd;

And keep on singing in the house
And up and down the stairs;
Then underneath the furniture
Let’s all play Polar bears;

And crawl about with doormats on,
And growl and howl and squeak,
Then in the garden let us fly
And play at hid and seek;

And ”Here we gather Nuts and May,”
”I wrote a Letter” too,
”Here we go round the Mulberry Bush,”
”The Child who lost its shoe”;

And every game we ever played.
And then--to stay alive--
Let’s end with lots of Birthday Cake
Because to-day you’re five.

Katherine Mansfield's other poems:
  1. The Awakening River
  2. Out in the Garden
  3. Song of the Little White Girl
  4. Night-Scented Stock
  5. There Is a Solemn Wind Tonight

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