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Katherine Mansfield (Кэтрин Мэнсфилд)

On a Young Lady’s Sixth Anniversary

Baby Babbles--only one,
Now to sit up has begun.

Little Babbles quite turned two
Walks as well as I and you.

And Miss Babbles one, two, three,
Has a teaspoon at her tea.

But her Highness at four
Learns to open the front door.

And her Majesty--now six,
Can her shoestrings neatly fix.

Babbles, babbles, have a care,
You will soon put up your hair!

Katherine Mansfield's other poems:
  1. The Awakening River
  2. A Little Boy's Dream
  3. Song of the Little White Girl
  4. Night-Scented Stock
  5. Out in the Garden

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