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Poem by Ebenezer Elliott


On Seeing Unexpectedly a New Church, 
While Walking on the Sabbath in Old-Park Wood, 
near Sheffield

FROM Shirecliffe, o’er a silent sea of trees,
When evening waned o’er Wadsley’s cottages,
I looked on Loxley, Rivilin, and Don,
While at my side stood truth-loved Pemberton;
And wondered, far beneath me, to behold
A golden spire, that glowed o’er fields of gold.
Out of the earth it rose, with sudden power,
A bright flame, growing heavenward, like a flower
Where erst nor temple stood, nor holy psalm
Rose to the mountains in the day of calm.
There, at the altar, plighted hearts may sigh;
There, side by side, how soon their dust may lie!
Then carven stones the old, old tale will tell,
That saddens joy with its brief chronicle,
Till time, with pinions stolen from the dove,
Gently erase the epitaph of love;
While rivers sing, on their unwearied way,
The songs that but with earth can pass away,
That brings the tempest’s accents from afar
And breathes of woodbines where no woodbines are!
Yet deem not that affection can expire,
Though earth and skies shall melt in fervent fire;
For truth hath written, on the stars above,—
“Affection cannot die, if God is Love!”
Whene’er I pass a grave with moss o’ergrown,
Love seems to rest upon the silent stone,
Above the wreck of sublunary things,
Like a tired angel sleeping on his wings.

Ebenezer Elliott

Ebenezer Elliott's other poems:
  1. Win-Hill
  2. Cloudless Stanage
  3. Plaint
  4. The Tree of Rivilin
  5. Don and Rother

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • John Keats Lines ("UNFELT unheard, unseen")
  • William Wordsworth Lines ("STRANGER! this hillock of misshapen stones")
  • Samuel Coleridge Lines ("RICHER than miser o’er his countless hoards")
  • Thomas Hood Lines ("Let Us Make a Leap, My Dear")
  • Thomas Hardy Lines ("Before we part to alien thoughts and aims")
  • Samuel Johnson Lines ("Wheresoe'er I turn my view") 1777
  • Francis Thompson Lines ("O tree of many branches! One thou hast")
  • Robert Burns Lines ("I MURDER hate by field or flood") 1790
  • William Watson Lines (" Go, Verse, nor let the grass of tarrying grow")
  • Letitia Landon Lines ("She kneels by the grave where her lover sleeps")
  • Oliver Holmes Lines ("COME back to your mother, ye children, for shame")
  • Joseph Drake Lines ("Day gradual fades, in evening gray")
  • George Morris Lines ("O Love! the mischief thou hast done!")
  • John Lockhart Lines ("When youthful faith hath fled")
  • Thomas Talfourd Lines ("HOW simple in their grandeur are the forms ")
  • John Reade Lines ("I KNELT down as I poured my spirit forth by that gray gate")

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