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Poem by Madison Julius Cawein

The Creek

O cheerly, cheerly by the road
And merrily down the billet;
And where the acre-field is sowed
With bristle-bearded millet.

Then o'er a pebbled path that goes,
Through vista and through dingle,
Unto a farmstead's windowed rose,
And roof of moss and shingle.

O darkly, darkly through the bush,
And dimly by the bowlder,
Where cane and water-cress grow lush,
And woodland wilds are older.

Then o'er the cedared way that leads,
Through burr and bramble-thickets,
Unto a burial-ground of weeds
Fenced in with broken pickets.

Then sadly, sadly down the vale,
And wearily through the rushes,
Where sunlight of the noon is pale,
And e'en the zephyr hushes.

For oft her young face smiled upon
My deeps here, willow-shaded;
And oft with bare feet in the sun
My shallows there she waded.

No more beneath the twinkling leaves
Shall stand the farmer's daughter!
Sing softly past the cottage eaves,
O memory-haunted water!

No more shall bend her laughing face
Above me where the rose is!
Sigh softly past the burial-place,
Where all her youth reposes!

Madison Julius Cawein

Madison Julius Cawein's other poems:
  1. Night and Storm at Gloucester
  2. Riders in the Night
  3. The Hunter's Moon
  4. Two Lives
  5. Enchantment

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