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Poem by Royall Tyler A Christmas Hymn Sung in the Episcopal Church at Claremont on the Anniversary of That Festival Decem 1. Hail to the joyous day, On which our Lord was born; Lift high the vocal lay, And sing the blissful morn. Your voices raise! To hail the morn On which was born The Lord of grace. 2. That sun which cheers the plains, The seasons as they move, Rich dews and fertile rains, All prove his sovereign love. Your voices raise! To Him who cheers, The fruitful years, Be grateful praise. 3. He o'er the trackless waste Our pious fathers led; And though in desert plac'd, He them with blessings fed: Your voices raise! To Him who binds The waves and winds, Be endless praise. 4. He crown'd fair freedom's cause; He made our nation great; The Leader of our wars He raised to rule our States. Your voices raise! To Him who brings To earth proud kings, Be deathless praise. 5. He taught us to discern Blest Freedom's sacred plan; And Europe's kingdoms learn Of us the rights of man. Your voices raise! To Him who broke Oppression's yoke, Be endless praise. 6. Where roam'd the savage race, In cruelty and blood, He form'd this sacred place, A temple for our God. Your voices raise, Let earth resound, The choral sound Of sovereign grace. 7. Here where the savage foes, Their deathful war-song sung, Sweet peace her olive shows, And joy on earth is sung. Your voices raise! Let all accord To praise the Lord, The Lord of grace. 8. When fell contagion cast The gale of death around, He turn'd the sickly blast, And ruddy health we found. And voices raise! To Christ the Son, Who crowns his own With length of days. 9. Has sorrow weigh'd us down, He gave, when death was near, A balm for ev'ry wound, A joy for ev'ry tear. Your voices raise! To Him who hears The wretch's prayers, Be endless praise. 10. Let solemn viols sound, And breathing flutes combine; Swell the full notes around, With grateful voices join. Your voices raise! On every wing, In transport sing The saviour's praise. Royall Tyler Royall Tyler's other poems:
English Poetry. E-mail eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru |