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Аларик Александр Уоттс (Alaric Alexander Watts) (1797-1864)
Alaric Alexander Watts (Аларик Александр Уоттс) (1797-1864)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. A Dream, Written after the Author's Recovery from Illness
  2. Meet Me at Sunset
  3. The Avalanche
  4. The Closing Scene
  5. On the Death of a Young Friend, of Fever, at Laguira
  6. To Octavia, the Infant Daughter of the Late John Larking, esq.
  7. The Wedding Day
  8. The Death of Pompey the Great
  9. A Woman's Last Song
  10. On the Death of a Child
  11. To a Child Blowing Bubbles
  12. Inscription
  13. Napoleon's Dream

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