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Люси Ларком (Lucy Larcom) (1824-1893)
Lucy Larcom (Люси Ларком) (1824-1893)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. A Strip of Blue
  2. At the Feast
  3. Across the River
  4. Indwelling
  5. Burdened
  6. A Loyal Woman's No
  7. Thy Will Be Done
  8. My Angel-Dress
  9. Thee Only
  10. For Larger Lives
  11. The Inmost One
  12. In the Air
  13. Tolling
  14. Climbing to Rest
  15. Show Me Thy Way
  16. God's Best Gift
  17. Helper and Friend
  18. From the Mountain-Top
  19. Purified
  20. Foretaste
  21. Love’s Late Remorse
  22. O God, from Thee We Would Not Stray
  23. As a Flower
  24. A Canticle of War (A. N. 1863)
  25. “My Cup Runneth Over“
  26. Christ Is Arisen
  27. A Heart's Prayer
  28. They Said
  29. His Church
  30. Be Ye Therefore Perfect
  31. Withdrawal, J.G.W. September 7, 1892
  32. The Perfect Word
  33. The Immortal Now
  34. Himself He Cannot Save
  35. Even As He Is Pure
  36. More Life
  37. The Lamb That Was Slain
  38. The Heavenward Call
  39. In the Dark
  40. Transfigured
  41. Our Daily Bread
  42. Why Life Is Sweet
  43. Life Is Growth
  44. Mistress Hale of Beverly
  45. Children’s June Song
  46. A Year in Heaven
  47. At Thy Feet
  48. Nearer to Christ
  49. “In Remembrance of Me“
  50. Beside the Cross
  51. Elizabeth, E.H.W. September 3, 1864
  52. Hand in Hand with Angels
  53. Drawing Nearer
  54. His Star in the West
  55. At the Beautiful Gate
  56. Thy Kingdom Come
  57. In Sorrow
  58. Our Christ
  59. The King at the Door
  60. A Door Opened
  61. “Ye Shall Live Also“
  62. The Lily of Resurrection

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