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Абрахам Каули (Abraham Cowley) (1618-1667)
Абрахам Каули (Abraham Cowley)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. ДевизThe Motto
  2. The Spring
  3. Beauty
  4. Life
  5. The Given Heart
  6. The Wish
  7. Cousel
  8. Platonick Love
  9. The Swallow
  10. A Supplication
  11. The Parting
  12. Epitaph
  13. Inconstancy
  14. Against Hope
  15. The Chronicle
  16. The Welcome
  17. Sport
  18. On the Death of Mr. Crashaw
  19. Hymn to Light
  20. The Change
  21. Resolved to Be Loved
  22. The Usurpation
  23. Thisbe's Song
  24. The Thraldom
  25. On the Death of Sir Henry Wootton
  26. Constantia's Song
  27. Not Fair
  28. The Request
  29. Sleep
  30. Against Fruition
  31. An Answer to a Copy of Verses Sent Me to Jersey
  32. Reason, the Use of It in Divine Matters
  33. To the Lord Falkland
  34. Bathing in the River
  35. Written in Juice of Lemon
  36. Of Wit
  37. Drinking
  38. The Given Love
  39. The Epicure
  40. Cheer Up, My Mates
  41. The Despair
  42. The Grasshopper
  43. The Thief
  44. The Heart Breaking

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