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Ричард Ченевикс Тренч (Richard Chenevix Trench) (1807-1886)
Richard Chenevix Trench (Ричард Тренч) (1807-1886)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. The Herring-Fishers of Lochfyne
  2. Gibraltar
  3. Poland, 1831
  4. To the Same (We live not in our moments or our years)
  5. A Legend of Alhambra
  6. To the Same (If sorrow came not near us, and the lore)
  7. The Island of Madeira
  8. Lines
  9. Sonnet (What good soever in thy heart or mind)
  10. Sonnet (You say we love not freedom, honoured friend)
  11. In the Isle of Mull
  12. To ——
  13. The Same
  14. On Revisiting the Seine
  15. England (We look for, and have promise to behold)
  16. To England
  17. England (Peace, Freedom, Happiness, have loved to wait)
  18. To Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
  19. On the Results of the Last French Revolution
  20. To the Same (Look, dearest, what a glory from the sun)
  21. To the Same (O dowered with a searching glance to see)
  22. To a Friend Entering the Ministry
  23. To the Same (Songs of deliverance compassed thee about)
  24. Sonnet to Silvio Pellico, on Reading the Account of His Imprisonment

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