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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Шарлотта Смит (Charlotte Turner Smith) (1749-1806)
Шарлотта Смит (Charlotte Turner Smith)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Evening
  2. Hope
  3. Beachy Head
  4. Sonnet 4. The Moon
  5. April
  6. Flora
  7. The Swallow
  8. A Walk in the Shrubbery
  9. Love and Folly
  10. Sonnet 1. The partial Muse, has from my earliest hours
  11. Sonnet 2. THE garlands fade that Spring so lately wove
  12. The Lark’s Nest
  13. Ode to Death
  14. Saint Monica
  15. Apostrophe
  16. The Female Exile
  17. Sonnet 3. To a Nightingale
  18. The Forest Boy
  19. To the Snowdrop
  20. The Bee's Winter Retreat
  21. Sonnet 11. To Sleep
  22. The Dead Beggar
  23. Sonnet 50. FAREWELL, ye lawns!--by fond remembrance blest
  24. Sonnet 5. To the South Downs
  25. On the Aphorism
  26. Elegy
  27. Ode to Despair
  28. Written near a Port on a Dark Evening
  29. Sonnet 55. The Return of the Nightingale. Written in May, 1791
  30. Sonnet 7. Sweet Poet of the Woods
  31. Sonnet 19. To Mr. Haley
  32. Sonnet 35. To Fortitude
  33. Sonnet 47. To Fancy
  34. A Descriptive Ode
  35. Sonnet 52. The Pilgrim
  36. Sonnet 72. To the Morning Star
  37. Sonnet 34. Charm'd by Thy Suffrage
  38. Sonnet 77. To the Insect of the Gossamer
  39. Occasional Address
  40. Sonnet 26. To the River Arun
  41. Sonnet 28. To Friendship
  42. Sonnet 63. The Gossamer
  43. Inscription
  44. Thirty-Eight
  45. Sonnet 45. On Leaving a Part of Sussex
  46. Sonnet 10. To Mrs. G***
  47. Ode to the Poppy
  48. Sonnet 30. To the River Arun
  49. Sonnet 61. ILL-Omen'd Bird! Whose Cries Portentous Float
  50. Sonnet Written in the Churchyard at Middleton in Sussex
  51. Sonnet 15. From Petrarch (WHERE the green leaves exclude the summer beam)
  52. The Peasant of the Alps
  53. Verses, on the Death of the Same Lady
  54. Sonnet 42. Composed During a Walk
  55. Sonnet 32. To Melancholy. Written on the Banks of the Arun, October, 1785
  56. Sonnet Written at Penshurst in Autumn, 1788
  57. Sonnet 67. On Passing over a Dreary Tract

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