Эдгар Альберт Гест (Edgar Albert Guest) (1881-1959)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- At Christmas
- June
- October
- See It Through
- The Call
- A Wish
- Success
- When Mother Sleeps
- Heroes
- Father
- Memory
- Only a Dad
- Friends
- On Quitting
- The Little Orphan
- Selfish
- Real Swimming
- Questions
- It Couldn’t Be Done
- Who Is Your Boss?
- My Land
- When Nellies' on the Job
- A Toast to the Men
- The Crucible of Life
- Living
- Home (The road to laughter beckons me)
- The Flag on the Farm
- A Patriotic Creed
- A Plea
- Constant Beauty
- Reward
- Yesterday
- The Lay for the Troubled Golfer
- Fine
- Under the Roof where the Laughter Rings
- Lemon Pie
- Our House
- Myself
- Growing Down
- Home and the Baby
- My Creed
- An Old-Fashioned Welcome
- Lines for a Flag Raising Ceremony
- The Broken Drum
- The Mother Watch
- Vacation Time
- Hollyhocks
- The Path to Home
- Kindness
- St. Valentine's Day
- Manhood's Greeting
- The Toy-Strewn Home
- Memorial Day
- It Isn't Costly
- The Mother on the Sidewalk
- The World Is Against Me
- The March of Mortality
- Childless
- Improvement
- The Doctor
- The Truth about Envy
- Since Jessie Died
- Sausage
- Another Mouth to Feed
- Faces
- To the Humble
- Bribed
- Spoiling Them
- Story-Time
- The Few
- The Bachelor’s Soliloquy
- Unimportant Differences
- The Auto
- When Mother Cooked with Wood
- The Lost Purse
- A Boost for Modern Methods
- Departed Friends
- As It Goes
- Pa Did It!
- At Sugar Camp
- Sacrifice
- Fishing Nooks
- The Handy Man
- The Pathway of the Living
- As It Is!
- Mothers' Excuses
- Hard Luck
- About Boys
- The Fisherman
- The Scoffer
- A Boy's Tribute
- Daddies
- Thanksgiving
- Lanes of Memory
- The Sorry Hostess
- The Home Builders
- Mother
- Songs of Rejoicing
- Curly Locks
- Just Folks
- Grandpa
- At Pelletier's
- Laughter
- The Day of Days
- The Old-Time Family
- The Blue Flannel Shirt
- Bud
- A Fine Sight
- Grown Up
- The Boy Soldier
- As Fall the Leaves
- Midnight in the Pantry
- The Job
- Home (It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house t’ make it home)
- The Other Fellow
- Signs
- The Little Church
- My Books and I
- On Going Home for Christmas
- Ma and the Auto
- Loafing
- The Old-Fashioned Pair
Все стихотворения • All poems
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