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Арчибальд Лэмпмен (Archibald Lampman) (1861-1899)
Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лемпман)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Winter Evening
  2. A Summer Evening
  3. Solitude
  4. Snow
  5. September
  6. ПолночьMidnight
  7. In November
  8. June
  9. Winter
  10. Favorites of Pan
  11. To My Mother
  12. In October
  13. April
  14. Lament of the Winds
  15. The Bird and the Hour
  16. In May
  17. Spring on the River
  18. By an Autumn Stream
  19. The Sun Cup
  20. Life and Nature
  21. Snowbirds
  22. Comfort of the Fields
  23. Morning on the Lièvres
  24. The Frogs
  25. Cloud-break
  26. After Rain
  27. An Autumn Landscape
  28. An October Sunset
  29. The Sweetness of Life
  30. God-Speed to the Snow
  31. April in the Hills
  32. With the Night
  33. Sunset
  34. Why Do Ye Call the Poet Lonely
  35. Among the Timothy
  36. The Return of the Year
  37. Freedom
  38. Forest Moods
  39. The Poet's Possession
  40. Winter-Store
  41. An Impression
  42. A Re-assurance
  43. Heat
  44. The Meadow
  45. Among the Millet
  46. Ballade of Summer's Sleep
  47. The Moon-path
  48. At the Ferry
  49. Distance
  50. Song of the Stream-Drops
  51. Between the Rapids
  52. Storm
  53. New Year's Eve
  54. Unrest
  55. Winter Hues Recalled

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