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Уильям Уайтхед (William Whitehead) (1715-1785)
William Whitehead (Уильям Уайтхед)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. The Youth and the Philosopher
  2. Verses to the People of England 1758
  3. To Mr. Mason
  4. Elegy 3
  5. An Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring
  6. The Enthusiast
  7. To the Same [Charles Townsend], on the Death of a Relation
  8. A Charge to the Poets
  9. Elegy 1
  10. An Ode to a Gentleman, on his pitching a Tent in his Garden
  11. The Vision of Solomon
  12. The Lyric Muse to Mr. Mason
  13. Ode for the New Year, 1763
  14. Ode for the New Year, Jan. 1, 1776
  15. Hymn to Venus, on a great Variety of Roses being planted around her Cottage
  16. To the Honourable [Charles Townsend]
  17. Nature to Dr. Hoadly
  18. The Sweepers

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