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Томас Макдона (Thomas MacDonagh) (1878-1916)
Thomas MacDonagh (Томас Макдона)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. May Day
  2. Snow at Morning
  3. A Dream of Hell
  4. Death
  5. Wishes for My Son, Born on Saint Cecilia’s Day, 1912
  6. O Bursting Bud of Joy
  7. In September
  8. After a Year
  9. The Stars
  10. At the End
  11. Our Story
  12. The Coming-In of Summer
  13. Love Is Cruel, Love Is Sweet
  14. In Absence
  15. Within the Temple
  16. In Paris
  17. Isn't It Pleasant for the Little Birds
  18. A Dream of Age
  19. A Season of Repose
  20. The Man Upright
  21. Druimfhionn Donn Dilis
  22. The House in the Wood beside the Lake
  23. Ideal
  24. Of My Poems
  25. To Eoghan
  26. The Poet Saint
  27. My Poet
  28. In an Island
  29. In Calm
  30. The Yellow Bittern
  31. The Song of Joy
  32. Uber Allen Gipfellen Ist Ruh
  33. Offering
  34. A Woman
  35. When in the Forenoon of the Year
  36. Two Songs from the Irish
  37. Luna Dies Et Nox Et Noctis Signa Severa
  38. Death in the Woods
  39. Sundown
  40. To My Lady
  41. For Victory
  42. My Love To-Night
  43. Grange House Lodge
  44. John-John
  45. A Dream of Being
  46. The Night Hunt
  47. On a Poet Patriot
  48. I Heard a Music Sweet To-day
  49. The Anchoret
  50. Inscription on a Ruin
  51. To a Wise Man
  52. Eve
  53. In the Storm
  54. Requies
  55. Cormac Óg
  56. A Song of Another. For Eoghan
  57. In Fever
  58. Fairy Tales
  59. In Dread
  60. The Philistine
  61. The Seasons and the Leaves
  62. Dublin Tramcars
  63. Of the Man of My First Play
  64. Postscriptum: September 1913
  65. Quando Ver Venit Meum?
  66. The Rain It Raineth
  67. To James Clarence Mangan
  68. At Dawn
  69. The Stars Stand up in the Air
  70. With Only This for Likeness, Only These Words
  71. The Suicide
  72. Averil
  73. Barbara: Born 24th March, 1915
  74. Of a Greek Poem

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