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Мэри Уортли Монтегю (Mary Wortley Montagu) (1689-1762)
Мэри Уортли Монтегю (Mary Wortley Montagu)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Between Your Sheets
  2. Song
  3. On the Death of Mrs. Bowes
  4. Farewell to Bath
  5. Lady Hertford to Lord William Hamilton
  6. A Man in Love
  7. A Character
  8. Гимн луне, написанный в беседке из зелениA Hymn to the Moon
  9. Written at Lovere, 1755
  10. Answer
  11. The Lady's Resolve
  12. Epithalamium
  13. A Ballad
  14. Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband
  15. To the Same
  16. An Epistle to the Earl of Burlington
  17. Lines Written in a Blank Page of Milton's Paradise Lost
  18. The Politicians
  19. Constantinople
  20. John Duke of Marlborough
  21. The Court of Dulness
  22. Irregular Verses to Truth
  23. On Seeing a Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole
  24. A Receipt to Cure the Vapors
  25. Conclusion of a Letter to a Friend
  26. The Fifth Ode of the First Book of Horace Imitated
  27. Verses Written in a Garden
  28. A Summary of Lord Lyttleton's Advice to a Lady
  29. An Answer to a Love-Letter, in Verse
  30. Town Eclogues: Tuesday; St. James's Coffee-House
  31. The Bride in the Country
  32. Answered, for Lord William Hamilton
  33. Written at Lovere, October, 1736
  34. Continuation
  35. Verses Addressed to the Imitator...
  36. Advice
  37. To Mr. ------
  38. Song - Rondeau
  39. The Lover
  40. Town Eclogues: Thursday; the Bassette-Table
  41. Julia to Ovid
  42. Epilogue to Mary Queen of Scots
  43. The Fourth Ode of the First Book of Horace Imitated
  44. Town Eclogues: Saturday; the Small-Pox
  45. An Epistle from Pope to Lord Bolingbroke
  46. Friday, the Toilette
  47. Epilogue to the Tragedy of Cato
  48. Melinda's Complaint
  49. Town Eclogues: Monday; Roxana, or the Drawing-Room
  50. Epistle from Arthur Grey, the Footman, to Mrs. Murray, after His Condemnation for Attempting to Comm
  51. Epistle to Lord Hervey on the King's Birthday from the Country
  52. Impromptu, to a Young Lady Singing
  53. Town Eclogues: Wednesday; the Tête à Tête
  54. Epigram, 1734
  55. Ballad, on a Late Occurrence
  56. An Elegy on Mrs. Thompson
  57. To a Friend on His Travels
  58. Addressed to ------, 1736

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