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Alan Seeger (Алан Сигер)

Thirty Sonnets. 19. Vivien

Her eyes under their lashes were blue pools
Fringed round with lilies; her bright hair unfurled
Clothed her as sunshine clothes the summer world.
Her robes were gauzes -- gold and green and gules,
All furry things flocked round her, from her hand
Nibbling their foods and fawning at her feet.
Two peacocks watched her where she made her seat
Beside a fountain in Broceliande.
Sometimes she sang... Whoever heard forgot
Errand and aim, and knights at noontide here,
Riding from fabulous gestes beyond the seas,
Would follow, tranced, and seek... and find her not ...
But wake that night, lost, by some woodland mere,
Powdered with stars and rimmed with silent trees.

Alan Seeger's other poems:
  1. Tithonus
  2. Sonnet 9. Well, seeing I have no hope, then let us part
  3. Sonnet 5. Seeing you have not come with me, nor spent
  4. Thirty Sonnets. 28. On the Cliffs, Newport
  5. Thirty Sonnets. 13. Sonnet 13. I fancied, while you stood conversing there

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