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Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит)

Love and Life

LOVE only sings when Love is young,
When Love is young and still at play,
How shall we count the sweet songs sung
When Love and Joy kept holiday?
But now Love has to earn his bread
By lifelong stress and toil of tears,
He finds his nest of song-birds dead
That sang so sweet in other years.

For Love's a man now, strong and brave,
To fight for you, for you to live,
And Love, that once such bright songs gave,
Has better things than songs to give;
He gives you now a lifelong faith,
A hand to help in joy or pain,
And he will sing no more, till Death
Shall come to make him young again!

Edith Nesbit's other poems:
  1. The Vault
  2. A Parting
  3. The Old Magic
  4. Chloe
  5. The Daisies

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (Джон Уилмот, граф Рочестер) Love and Life ("All my past life is mine no more")
  • Emily Pfeiffer (Эмили Пфайффер) Love and Life ("HOW beautiful upon the mountains are")

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