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George Meredith (Джордж Мередит)

Modern Love. Sonnet 41. How Many a Thing which We Cast to the Ground

How many a thing which we cast to the ground,
When others pick it up becomes a gem!
We grasp at all the wealth it is to them;
And by reflected light its worth is found.
Yet for us still 'tis nothing! and that zeal
Of false appreciation quickly fades.
This truth is little known to human shades,
How rare from their own instinct 'tis to feel!
They waste the soul with spurious desire,
That is not the ripe flame upon the bough.
We two have taken up a lifeless vow
To rob a living passion: dust for fire!
Madam is grave, and eyes the clock that tells
Approaching midnight. We have struck despair
Into two hearts. O, look we like a pair
Who for fresh nuptials joyfully yield all else?

George Meredith's other poems:
  1. Mother to Babe
  2. On Como
  3. Modern Love. Sonnet 19. No State is Enviable
  4. Modern Love. Sonnet 12. Not Solely that the Future She Destroys
  5. Modern Love. Sonnet 20. I am not of those Miserable Males

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